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The content of this document may have been modified if it was not obtained directly from SEPPmail AG. Although this document has been prepared with utmost care, SEPPmail AG does not assume any responsibility for possible errors or omissions. The use of this document implies acceptance of its use without any warranty or guarantee. Any use of the information given here is at your own risk.
This document uses the singular they or other non-gender-specific ways of referring to persons.
PGP and Pretty Good Privacy are legally protected trademarks of the PGP Corporation, valid in the US and other countries. Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of the Oracle Corporation, valid in the US and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark under the control of the X/Open Company, valid in the US and other countries. Microsoft, Internet Explorer, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 are either registered trademarks or legally protected trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation, valid in the US and other countries. Netscape and Netscape Navigator are registered trademarks of the Netscape Communications Corporation, valid in the US and other countries. Google Chrome is a legally protected trademark of Google Inc., valid in the US and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used without the intention of trademark infringement.
OpenBSD is an operating system distributed under the Berkeley copyright (
Postfix is an open source email server (
OpenSSL is an application distributed under a licence which is similar to Apache (
LibreSSL is a split-off of unnecessary components of OpenSSL implemented by the Open BSD team and is distributed under the OpenBSD licence (
The Apache Webserver and Apache Tomcat are developed under the Apache Software Foundation copyright (
OpenLDAP is an implementation of the LDAP, which is published as free software under the OpenLDAP Public Licence, which is similar to the BSD licence (
The GnuPG software is distributed under the GNU Public Licence (
SpamAssassin is a filter programme that can automatically filter unwanted emails (spam) and is released as free software under the terms of version 2 of the Apache licence (
ClamAV is a virus protection programme developed by Sourcefire Inc. ( (
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The import, export and use of these and other encryption products may be restricted by law.
Views and opinions expressed by the author of this document are not necessarily those of SEPPmail AG and may not be used for the purpose of advertising or product recommendation. References to Internet addresses have been thoroughly tested before publication. However, due to the constant change in the internet contents, SEPPmail AG cannot guarantee the presence and contents of the specified sources. Should you find faulty links in this manual, please inform us of the affected link and the version number of this manual to the address
Publication: November 2024, CH-5432 Neuenhof