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This section describes a simple scenario in which the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway directly receives external emails from the Internet and sends internal emails externally into the Internet. Depending on the structure of your email infrastructure, additional email servers or gateways can be used in the email data flow (see also Architectures).


In this scenario, the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway is installed as an SMTP Gateway between the Internet and the internal email server. This changes the email flow in the following two main points:


1.Emails from the Internet are no longer sent directly to the internal email server, but (new) to the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway.

2.The email server no longer sends its emails directly to the Internet but (new) to the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway. The latter thus assumes a smarthost function.


The email infrastructure for the described scenario is shown in the following figure.



Figure: Typical configuration of an email infrastructure with a SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway


The requirements to be met are thus strongly dependent on the existing infrastructure as well as the options and features to be integrated.

It is generally recommended that administrative access to all adjacent systems is granted at the time of installation.


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