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The following information on your email environment is to be provided before commissioning the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway:


Required information

Internal IP address(es) of the appliance:

Internal IP address(es) and subnet mask(s) under which the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway will be reachable in the internal network.

In the standard configuration, one IP address is sufficient. If required, however, specific dedicated networks can be used for different functions (SMTP, administration access, Cluster communication, web access).

See also System IP addresses.

Default gateway IP address:

Default gateway IP address of your firewall or your router via which the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway can connect to the Internet.

See also System Routing Default gateway.

Hostname of the appliance:

Freely selectable hostname of your SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway, for example, securemailgateway. This is usually listed in the internal DNS server.

This setting corresponds to the internal view. Therefore, it does not need to correspond to the data as it is valid from the internet.

See also System Name Hostname:.

Internal domain:

Examples are: yourcompany.local or yourdomain.tld, etc.

This setting corresponds to the internal view. Therefore, it does not need to correspond to the data as it is valid from the internet.

See also System Name Domain.

DNS server:

You can enter up to three IP addresses of DNS servers. These can be both external as well as internal DNS servers. If internal DNS servers are used, these requests for external addresses are to be forwarded accordingly.

See also System DNS.

MX hostname or IP address(es) of the existing internal email server:

Hostname or IP address under which the existing internal email server can be accessed in the internal network.

See also ADD MANAGED DOMAIN Settings Forwarding server and/or Mail System Relaying.

Email domains:

Domains of the email addresses of your organisation, for example,


Postmaster address

System notifications are sent to this address (for example, watchdog messages). It is also used as a sender for backup and system notification emails.

See also Mail System SMTP Settings Postmaster address.

Public DNS entry or public IP address of the appliance:

Name or IP address under which your SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway can be reached from the internet as a webserver (please also refer to CHANGE GINA SETTINGS FOR [DEFAULT] Secure GINAHost Hostname:).

Often, this is the address of the firewall or a reverse proxy/web application firewall. In simple installations, the IP address under which the Internet router can be reached externally can be used for this purpose.


This information can be found as follows:


1.Open the command prompt on a Windows PC

2.Enter the command "nslookup" and confirm with "Enter"

3.A ">" sign (prompt) should appear

4.Enter the command "set querytype=mx" and confirm with "Enter"

5.Enter the email domain of your organisation (e.g. and confirm with "Enter"

6.All available mail servers are displayed as "mail exchanger ="


Server names after the term "mail exchanger" with the lowest MX preference number have the highest priority for name resolution.

SSL certificate:

Access to GINA via HTTPS, and/or the optional TLS encryption requires an SSL certificate. This may also be a wildcard certificate, though it should come from an accredited CA.

Admin email address(es):

Required for receiving password reset requests from the GINA users.

If several GINA domains are used, it may be useful to set up several admins.

See also CHANGE GINA SETTINGS FOR [DEFAULT] Admin Admin email).


SysLog server:

Required for transmitting log entries to central syslog servers.

See also System Syslog settings.

SNMP server:

Required for monitoring the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway via SNMP.

See also System SNMP daemon.

Nagios server:

Required for monitoring the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway via Nagios.

See also System NRPE daemon.

Proxy server:

If access to the Internet is not directly possible for the corresponding system functions, it can be established via a proxy server.

See also System Proxy settings, MPKI proxy settings and OCSP / CRL check settings Proxy server.

Time server:

Serves to synchronise the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway system time with a time server (mandatory for Clusterconfigurations!).

See also System Time and date Server.

Virtual IP addresses:

Virtual IP addresses allow for a dynamic communication with a Cluster.

See also System IP ALIAS addresses and/or Clustering Multiple Systems et seqq.

SMS service:

If the GINA SMS password dispatch and/or the Self-Service Password Management (SSPM) via SMS is to be used, the access data for an SMS service or a local SMS server is necessary.

See also GINA Domains SMS passwords.

Required information for setting up the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway


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