Internal Mail Encryption is used to encrypt emails within your organisation (email domains).
This function is available in several different versions (please also refer to Internal Mail Encryption (IME)).
If a version is selected which uses the GINA technology, the activation of the External authentication in the detail settings of the corresponding Managed Domains (see Mail System) is recommended.
Otherwise, the internal user must register as a GINA user before being able to use this function. If GINA is also used for sending internal emails, the following options are to be activated in addition in the settings of the respective GINA domain in the section Extended settings (see ):
•Allow account self-registration in GINA portal without initial mail
•Allow GINA users to write new mails (not reply)
If you do not want these options to be accessed externally, you may need to create your own GINA interface (see GINA Domains Domains ).