Generally, we recommend always integrating the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway in the full email flow. This means that every single incoming and outgoing email is processed by the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway.
This ensures that every incoming email will be decrypted, if applicable, and/or a possibly attached signature is checked and marked correspondingly for the internal email recipient (in the standard [secure], [signed OK], [signed INVALID]).
Additionally, certificates of incoming, signed emails are collected and are thus available for the encryption to this communication partner on a company-wide basis, if required.
For outgoing emails, the Managed Domain Service can be used. The decision of whether and how emails are treated when they are sent (encryption, signatures, attachment of a disclaimer, etc.), is made centrally via the ruleset of the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway or individually through the email, via the known mechanisms (see Controlling The Appliance).