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This submenu is called up from Administration Licence and registration.


The registration data should be filled in carefully, since, among other things, with CERT messages which affect the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway, the contacts mentioned here may be informed if necessary.

If several appliances are registered for the same customer, make sure that the entries are identical.


Sections on this page:

Activation Code

Customer information

Reseller information



anchor link Section Activation Code



anchor link Note:

This section only appears for virtual appliances!

For hardware appliances, the licence ID is always statically bound to the hardware. An entry is therefore not necessary.




anchor link Enter the device ID of this virtual appliance from your licence document.

Leave empty to get a test licence

If you already have the "SEPPmail License Certificate" of the purchased licence in your possession, the "Device ID" on it must be entered in this field in the form XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. This transfers the purchased licences to the appliance.

If this field is left empty, the appliance will automatically obtain a 30-day trial licence.



anchor link Note:
If a test licence has been obtained and is to be taken over into production afterwards, the Device ID from the section System of the menu Home menu is to be indicated when placing the order.


anchor link Note:
If the "Device ID" of a "SEPPmail License Certificate" has already been used once, it cannot be used a second time - for example after a new installation. In this case, contact the support team.



anchor link Section Customer information


Input field for customer data.




anchor link Company

Mandatory field. Company name of the customer.

anchor link Address 1

Mandatory field. Address of the customer.

anchor link Address 2

Optional. Additional address field.

anchor link City

Mandatory field. City where the customer is located.

anchor link Postal code

Mandatory field. Postal code of the customer.

anchor link Country

Mandatory field. Country where the customer is located.

anchor link First name

Mandatory field. First name of the contact person or the responsible department of the customer.

anchor link Last name

Mandatory field. Last name of the contact person or the responsible department of the customer.

anchor link Email address

Mandatory field. Email address of the contact person or, ideally, the responsible department of the customer.

anchor link Phone number

Mandatory field. Phone number in the format "+<country code> <prefix without zero"0"> <call number including direct dial>" of the contact and/or the responsible department of the customer.

anchor link Mobile phone number

Optional. Mobile phone number in the form "+<country code> <prefix without zero"0"> <call number including direct dial>" of the contact and/or the responsible department of the customer.



anchor link Section Reseller information


Input field for the data of the SEPPmail partner




anchor link Company

Mandatory field. Company name of the partner.

anchor link Address 1

Mandatory field. Address of the partner.

anchor link Address 2

Optional. Additional address field.

anchor link City

Mandatory field. City where the partner is located.

anchor link Postal code

Mandatory field. Postal code of the partner.

anchor link Country

Mandatory field. Country where the partner is located.

anchor link First name

Mandatory field. First name of the contact person or the responsible department of the partner.

anchor link Last name

Mandatory field. Last name of the contact person or the responsible department of the partner.

anchor link Email address

Mandatory field. Email address of the contact person or, ideally, the responsible department of the partner.

anchor link Phone number

Mandatory field. Phone number in the format "+<country code> <prefix without zero"0"> <call number including direct dial>" of the contact and/or the responsible department / partner.

anchor link Mobile phone number

Optional. Mobile phone number in the form "+<country code> <prefix without zero"0"> <call number including direct dial>" of the contact and/or the responsible department / partner.



By clicking on the Send button, the registration process is completed.



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