This submenu is called up from Mail System by clicking on Edit mail disclaimer....
Here, individual footers can be created (Add), or existing footers can be edited , copied
or deleted
The already existing default template [default] should generally not be changed. It is to be used as a template for other footers and can be copied and adapted as necessary.
The listed footers are generally assigned to the corresponding Managed domain, in its detailed menu under Settings Disclaimer.
Alternatively, a disclaimer may also be positioned manually, directly in the email. For this purpose, a line with the text ##MAILDISCLAIMER## is to be added to an email in the location in which the disclaimer is to be positioned. (extended in 12.0) By entering a ##MAILDISCLAIMER_<disclaimer>## (whereby <disclaimer> corresponds to the desired disclaimer from ), not only the position but explicitly also the disclaimer to be used can be selected. |
Footers are always available both in text as well as in HTML format. When sending an email, a suitable format is selected automatically based on the email format.
If a footer is to be deleted via the trash button button, it is to be ensured beforehand that it is not assigned to any Managed domain (see Mail System) or possibly used in Custom commands for the section Ruleset generator of the menu Mail Processing.
By using LDAP queries, e.g. of the user object belonging to the sending email address in a Microsoft Active Directory (AD), not only a footer which is generally applicable in the entire company but also an individual footer for each sender can be created. Similarly, a more granular use of disclaimers based on sender characteristics in LDAP – for example the affiliation to an AD group – is possible. This enables departments to use their own disclaimers, for example. |