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The menu item Mail System the basic settings of the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway email system are implemented.


The email disclaimers and/or email templates needed in the following section, if applicable, can be created in advance or edited via the buttons Edit mail disclaimer... (if the Central Disclaimer Management (CDM) is not licensed, this button is greyed out) and/or Edit mail templates....



anchor link Note:

If footers are to be used, it is to be ensured at all times that they are set on the groupware system or by the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway. If footers are attached by a downstream system for outgoing emails, an already existing email signature is destroyed.


Sections on this page:

Managed Domains

Managed service status

Outgoing server

TLS Settings

ARC settings

SMTP settings

Dovecot settings


Managed domain relaying

Exchange Online Relaying

Submission Port



Block lists

Manual blocklisting / welcomelisting



anchor link Section Managed Domains


Defines the email domains to be managed.

The Filter... provides a search function in the column Domain name of the following table. The search term is entered as a character string.




anchor link Domain name

List of all email domains created on the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway. For these domains, emails are accepted and processed accordingly.

anchor link Server IP Address

Displays the IP address, host name or MX record of the internal groupware system and the port to which incoming emails are routed for the corresponding Domain name indicated above.

anchor link TLS level

Indicates which type of TLS transport encryption is used for the groupware server (Server IP Address).

anchor link Smarthost

Shows the smarthost to which emails of the respective Managed domain are to be sent to the Internet (Sender Based Routing).

anchor link GINA

Displays the GINA domain which has been defined for the respective email domain (please also refer to CHANGE GINA SETTINGS FOR).

anchor link Disclaimer

Displays which disclaimer should be attached to outgoing emails in the respective email domain (see also Mail System Edit mail disclaimer... and/or LIST DISCLAIMER).

anchor link Postmaster

Displays the postmaster address valid for this domain (see also ADD/EDIT MANAGED DOMAIN Settings Postmaster address). If no entry exists, the default entry from SMTP Settings is used.

anchor link SEPPmail Managed Domain Encryption

Displays whether the Managed domain participates in the Managed Domain Service (status managed / unmanaged(see also ADD/EDIT MANAGED DOMAIN Settings S/MIME domain keys Automatically create and publish S/MIME domain keys for this domain) and whether the key released on the SEPPmail licence and/or key server deviates from the local key (status mismatch(see also ADD/EDIT MANAGED DOMAIN S/MIME domain encryption).

If the automatic generation and transfer of domain keys for the participation in the Managed Domain Service has been deactivated globally in this section via Create S/MIME domain keys for managed domain encryption and send public key to vendor pool: (see below), the warning Autopublish globally switched offis displayed in addition.

anchor link MPKI

This column is only displayed if the MPKI interface is configured.

It then displays whether the Managed domain has been set up for the automatic obtainment of user certificates via MPKI (see also Connectors MPKI managed domains).

Possible status



is only displayed with an active Multitenancy licence.

anchor link Customer

Name of the client to whom this email domain has been assigned (see also Customers).


By clicking the Add managed domain... button, additional email domains are added. These email domains must correspond to the email addresses of your company. For more information on managing email domains, please refer to ADD/EDIT MANAGED DOMAIN.



anchor link Note:

If, when creating a domain, the Server IP Address (Forwarding server IP or MX name) "DISCARD" (without quotation marks) is entered for it, all emails addressed to this domain will be discarded.

This can, for example, help prevent the sending of bounce emails from internal systems to unknown addresses.




anchor link Create S/MIME domain keys for managed domain encryption and send public key to vendor pool: DropDown

With this setting, the participation in the Managed Domain Service is globally defined.


anchor link On for all domains

Default setting.

Generally active for all Managed Domains (see also EDIT MANAGED DOMAIN Settings S/MIME domain keys hint_txt).

anchor link Off for all domains

Generally not active for all Managed Domains.

If this setting has been selected, in the column SEPPmail Managed Domain Encryption of the table above, for each Managed domain the warning Autopublish globally switched off is displayed in addition.



anchor link Note:

Generally, this setting is not recommended since the basic licence obtained free of charge with the Managed Domain Service is not used.

However, in environments in which, for infrastructural reasons, none of the set-up Managed Domains has the entire email traffic directed through the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway, this setting might be useful.



anchor link Note:

If participation in the Managed Domain Service is to be excluded in general, i.e. also for delivery, in addition to this selection, under Domain Certificates Managed S/MIME domain certificates, the option Auto-update S/MIME domain certificates is to be deactivated immediately after installation.

anchor link Use domain settings

With this setting, it can be decided for each Managed domain (see ADD/EDIT MANAGED DOMAIN Settings S/MIME domain keys) whether such participation is desired or not.



anchor link Note:

This setting can be beneficial in MSP environments with different customer requirements regarding the Managed Domain Service.

Another application case could be the activation of individual test users, e.g. in the framework of a PoC.

Participation can then initially be prevented and activated at a later point in time once the entire Managed domain goes live.

anchor link CheckBoxInactive Fetch e-mail from remote POP3 server. Interval in minutes

By default, this option is inactive.

Emails by users with set-up POP3/IMAP access data (see Users USER 'USER@DOMAIN.TLD' Remote POP3) will be collected by the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway at the set time interval. The emails collected in this manner are subsequently processed by the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway and forwarded to the corresponding Forwarding server (see table under Mail System Managed Domains Column Server IP Address).



anchor link Note:

When fetching emails, the protocols are used one after the other in the priority IMAPS, POP3S, IMAP and POP3.

If an SSL/TLS-secured protocol is used, the certificates of the counterparts are classified regarding their trustworthiness according to the entries under X.509 Root Certificates.

anchor link CheckBoxActive Verify recipient addresses using SMTP-lookups

By default, this option is active.

Emails for a Managed domain are only accepted if the email address - including the name part - of the recipient is also known on the Forwarding server (see table under Mail System Managed Domains Column Server IP Address). This implies that the Forwarding server also checks the name part of an email and not just the domain part before accepting it.

The Flush recipient cache now button is used to clear the cache in which the already successfully found recipients’ addresses are stored.



anchor link Note:
For this setting to function without any issues, it is to be ensured that the Forwarding server does not have an active SPAM protection.

Problems with activating this setting are to be expected in particular if the downstream (forwarding) server is not the email server, but a further intermediary email relay.

In detail, this parameter is set to option reject_unverified_recipient in Postfix at smtpd_recipient_restrictions. This means that, for the check, it is attempted to send a message rather than using commands like "SMTP VRFY".

In the case of upstream protective components, these should perform a preliminary check. The option must be deactivated in this case.

The "Recipient Cache" contains already confirmed email addresses for one hour.

anchor link Send internal mails (between two managed domains) to the smarthost of the sending managed domain

(new in 13.0.4)

This configuration option allows to define the internal mail routing behaviour. It only applies to mails between ExO hosted managed domains if the X-OriginatorOrg is set.


MSP customers with ExO connected Managed Domains can enable the new routing globally or per managed domain.


See also Extended Release Notes for this entry.


anchor link On for all domains

Default setting.

Generally active for all Managed Domains.

anchor link Off for all domains

Generally not active for all Managed Domains.


anchor link Use domain settings

If selected, the settings for the domain apply as defined under Internal mail handling.



anchor link Section Managed service status


Contains a description for the meanings of the statuses from Managed domain SEPPmail Managed Domain Encryption.


anchor link Section Outgoing server


Defines the type of routing for outgoing emails.



anchor link Note:

The outgoing routing set here may be overridden by the TLS settings, if applicable (see the following Section TLS Settings)!




anchor link RadioButtonActive Use built-in mail transport agent

Default setting.

Outgoing emails to the Internet are directly addressed to the target email server of the email recipient by the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway. The appliance must be accessible directly from the Internet for this setting.



anchor link Note:
If you use this setting, it is highly recommended to license and activate the optional Protection Pack (PP) unless an external antispam service is installed for the incoming email traffic. Failure to do so may result in considerable impairments, including the loss of the email flow through SPAM attacks.

anchor link RadioButtonInactive Use the following SMTP server

If outgoing emails are not to be sent directly to the Internet, we recommend using an email relay server (smarthost). All outgoing emails are transferred to this email relay server, which then forwards the emails to the recipient. The email relay server can be an internal server but also a server at your email provider.


anchor link Server name

The following is accepted as input:


IP address

Individual IP address (to be placed in square brackets []).


If a hostname is used, it must be placed in square brackets []. Names without brackets are treated as an MX record!


MX-lookup is executed (if applicable, please also refer to System DNS add local zone)


When specifying an IP address, a host name or an MX name, there is the option to additionally enter an individual port. The port is entered directly afterwards, separated by a colon ":", i.e. "[IP address]:port", "[hostname]:port" or "MX name:port".

If no port is specified, the standard SMTP port TCP25 is used.

anchor link CheckBoxInactive Server requires authentication

By default, this option is inactive.

Email relay servers at a provider usually require a login before emails can be sent. The provider provides the login data.


anchor link User ID

User name for registration at the Server name indicated under SMTP server.

anchor link Password

Password belonging to the User ID.

anchor link Additional credentials for managed domains:

If individual Managed Domains require dedicated Smarthosts (see also Send ALL outgoing mails from this domain to the following SMTP server) that require a login, the access data required can be configured here accordingly.

anchor link Add smarthost

Via Add smarthost the required access data are entered.

After an entry has been saved, it appears in a new line as a smarthost. Smarthost.

anchor link Smarthost

Already entered Smarthost access data.


anchor link hostname:

Enter the Smarthost (see Server name of the section Use the following SMTP server)

anchor link username:

User name for registration at the hostname: indicated under Smarthost.

anchor link password:

Password belonging to the username.

anchor link Domain:

The selection field lists all Managed Domains. By selecting the Managed Domains (multiple selection is possible by clicking while pressing and holding the "CTRL"), the access data is restricted to these.

This is usually necessary when several clients in a Managed Service Provider (MSP) environment have the same Smarthost with different credentials in a Managed service provider (MSP) environment.



anchor link Section TLS Settings (optional)


Here, TLS connections to the outside, i.e. to the Internet, are listed and/or set up.

If, in the Section Outgoing server, the option Use the following SMTP server has been selected, the TLS encryption for the server entered under Server name can be defined firmly.

If the option Use built-in mail transport agent has been selected, the route and the type of the TLS encryption can be defined here as required for specific email servers on the Internet.



anchor link Note:
If no configuration is made here, the setting "may"applies, this means that SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway will establish a TLS-encrypted connection with all communication partners if the remote peer supports it (opportunistic).

For the TLS encryption, the certificate integrated under SSL will be used.


The Filter... provides a search function in the column Domain name of the following table. The search term is entered as a character string.

New TLS connections are set up via the Add TLS Domain button.




anchor link Domain name

List of all email domains created on the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway for which a TLS connection has been configured.



anchor link Note:

If a full stop "." is entered here and (mandatorily) followed by a server IP address, all emails routed to this IP address via "Sender Based Routing" (see ADD/EDIT MANAGED DOMAIN Settings Send ALL outgoing mails from this domain to the following SMTP server (optional)) are encrypted there with the set TLS level.

anchor link Server IP Address

Displays the IP address, host name or MX record for the respective above-mentioned Domain name.



anchor link Note:

This means that all emails to the email domain indicated under Domain name are routed directly to the address entered here!

An exception is the point "." under Domain name, which does not influence the routing at this point.

anchor link Server port

Displays the port used for the TLS encrypted connection to the above-mentioned Server IP Address. By default, this is the 25th

anchor link TLS level

Indicates which type of TLS transport encryption is to be used by the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway to the indicated email server for the corresponding email domain.

anchor link Fingerprint

If the TLS level fingerprint has been selected, the entered fingerprints of the certificates are displayed here.


To manage existing TLS connections, click on the respective "Domain name" button.

For more information about managing TLS email domains, see the chapter regarding the submenu ADD TLS DOMAIN.


(new in 13.0.8)

anchor link Section ARC settings




anchor link CheckBoxInactive Add ARC seal to incoming mails

By default, this option is inactive.



anchor link Note:

To minimise the effort required to implement ARC sealing, we recommend using a master ARC key in MSP environments.

On the Microsoft side, the host name used for the master ARC key must be configured as "Trusted ARC Sealer". See under Policies & rules > Threat policies > Email authentication settings > ARC.

anchor link Domain

Enter the domain of the key pair.

anchor link Selector:

By default, this option is set to "default".



anchor link Section SMTP Settings


Defines specific settings for the SMTP protocol.



anchor link Note:

All settings in this section with the exception of the Postmaster address are machine-related and are thus not synchronized in a Cluster. If required, these settings are to be implemented individually on each Cluster partner.




anchor link max. message size (KB)(optional)

In this field, the maximum size of an email which may be transmitted by the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway via SMTP is defined in kilobyte. Emails exceeding this size will be rejected. If a restriction is defined here, care must be taken as to how this possibly matches the groupware server or the upstream system optionally connected to the Internet. If the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway is to be accessed directly from the Internet via the MX record, the entry of a limit is mandatory. This must not exceed the displayed size (see Note: cannot exceed xxxxx KB).

The indicated value also applies to the display of the maximum size of attachments with GINA - (not LFT!) replies and/or initial emails. Consequently, nothing is displayed there if this value has not been defined.

LFT emails which are delivered via the GINA portal are not affected by this restriction.



anchor link Attention:

If an attachment is sent via SMTP, it can grow to 4/­­­­­3­­­­­ of its original size.

Furthermore, the entry is made in kilobyte (see also!

anchor link Postmaster address

Input of the email address of the local administrator of the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway. All status entries created by SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway such as watchdog messages, but also the Daily Reports (see also Groups admin and statisticsadmin) are sent to this email address if they have the status "IMPORTANT"; this means that an administrative action on the appliance is needed.



anchor link Note:
The Postmaster address must be set in order to be able to receive system notifications.

Furthermore, this address is used as a sender for sending backups and system messages.


This is the only entry in this section which is synchronised in a Cluster.

anchor link SMTP server banner string


Definition of the name with which the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway registers when an SMTP connection is established from the outside.

If no entry is made, the name entered under System Name is used.

anchor link SMTP server HELO string


Definition of the name with which the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway is to login at the opposite SMTP server when sending emails (HELO/EHLO command).

The appliance will normally log in with the name entered under System Name. If this is, for example, a name that cannot be reached from the Internet (for example domain ".local"), it may be necessary to enter the name (FQDN) accessible from the Internet. This ensures that email servers with the setting "Require fully qualified domain name in HELO command" will accept mails from SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway. This means the setting is usually only relevant when in the Section Outgoing server the setting Use built-in mail transport agent is active.

anchor link SMTP bind address

(use with care!)


Setting of the IP address of a network interface via which all emails are received (usually not necessary).

The SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway usually binds all existing network interfaces. If several interfaces are active, but only one of them is to be available for SMTP connections, its IP address can be entered here.



anchor link Note:
If the interface of the IP address entered here fails, the appliance can no longer be reached via SMTP. Thus the email traffic would be interrupted.

anchor link TLS encryption


anchor link CheckBoxInactive Require TLS encryption

By default, this option is inactive.

By activating this option, only TLS-secured connections are accepted.



anchor link Note:

In particular when using SMTP Auth for delivering emails of the groupware server on the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway (see also Manage Multiple SMTP Authentications) activating this option is recommended.


anchor link Server name indication

anchor link CheckBoxInactive Send SNI with SMTP request

(new in 12.1)

By default, this option is inactive.

By activating this option, the name of the destination server is sent in the client hello package for every TLS-encrypted outgoing SMTP connection.

This allows the accepting target server to select the appropriate certificate if it manages multiple domains and uses different certificates.

anchor link Extended settings
(use with care)

Extended postfix MTA settings opens the subsequent menu EXTENDED POSTFIX MTA SETTINGS, via which the Postfix parameters and thus the SMTP mail flow can be influenced if required.


Changes in EXTENDED POSTFIX MTA SETTINGSonly become active after the additional saving by means of Save in Mail System.



anchor link Attention:

Generally, changes to the EXTENDED POSTFIX MTA SETTINGS are not necessary!Improper use may cause the email flow to come to a standstill!



anchor link Attention:

Changes in submenu EXTENDED POSTFIX MTA SETTINGS are not synchronised in the cluster!




anchor link Section Dovecot settings

(new in 13.0.0)


Definition of the ciphers available for the Dovecot IMAP Server.




The Dovecot IMAP Server is only active in a GINA satellite constellation (see also This is a remote GINA server)!




anchor link Enabled Ciphers DropDown

Selection of the available ciphers





anchor link Section Relaying


Definition of the systems authorised to send emails to the Internet.




anchor link Relaying allowed:

At this point, the IP address(es) or subnet(s) can be entered from which the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway is to accept emails to external recipients.

Optionally, in the field Comment: a custom comment can be added for each entry.

After saving, a further input field is displayed.



anchor link Note:
Generally, the IP addresses of the entered Forwarding server (see table under Mail System Managed Domains Column Server IP Address) are to be authorised here.

To prevent an "open relay", the Outgoing server should normally not be listed here under any circumstances.

anchor link Add relaying for

This field is used to enter additional relay addresses or subnets.

After saving, additional input fields are displayed.



anchor link Section Managed domain relaying

(new in 13.0.0)




anchor link  DropDown

Available for selection are all Managed Domains that have one ore more entries under Allowed sending servers for this domain.

By selecting a Managed Domain, the IP addresses under Allowed sending servers for this domain are globally available for relaying.



anchor link Section Exchange Online Relaying




anchor link Enable Relay integration


anchor link CheckBoxInactive Allow relaying for Exchange Online servers (remember to set correct tenant Ids for managed domains)

By default, this option is inactive.

By activating this option, all Microsoft Office Outlook 365 servers are entitled to relay via the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway.



anchor link Note:

If an email is addressed to a Managed domain it will be checked automatically whether

the domain part of the sender email address is stored as a Managed domain
(otherwise, the email would be rejected with an SMTP code 4xx in order to enable debugging).

in this Managed domain the correct tenant ID (see EDIT MANAGED DOMAIN Settings Exchange Online Integration) is stored.


anchor link Currently registered MTAs

Lists the current IPv4 and IPv6 networks that are used by Microsoft Office Outlook 365 servers (see also O365 Endpoints and O365 Endpoints of the German Cloud for the IPs of the German Cloud).

anchor link Custom registered MTAs

(new in 13.0.0)

The input field of this section allows the manual input of further "Exchange Online servers".



anchor link Section Submission Port

(new in 12.1.1)




anchor link CheckBoxInactive Enable submission port (587)

By default, this option is inactive.

Activating this option activates the "Submission-Port" 587 and thus the STARTTLS protocol. This means that emails can also be processed by internal Users who do not send from any of the Relaying addresses (see also Add/Edit Managed Domain Settings Password and certificate authentication).



anchor link Section Postscreen

(new in 13.0.0)




anchor link CheckBoxInactive Enable postscreen

By default, this option is inactive.

Activating this option activates the "Postscreen".



anchor link Section AntiSpam



anchor link Note:
The Antispam options are only available after the optional Protection Pack has been purchased.

If the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway has another upstream relay, e.g. a spam filter, the antispam functions should not be activated.

The antivirus functions should be used in any case.




anchor link Recommended settings


anchor link CheckBoxInactive Use greylisting

By default, this option is inactive.

With this feature, incoming external emails - that is, emails which are not received from any IP or subnet registered under Relaying - are no longer directly accepted but only at the second delivery attempt. This is to ensure that methods used by SPAM senders for the direct transmission of emails remain unsuccessful.

The reception of desired emails is not prevented by this function, but - in the case of unknown senders - only temporarily delayed. The email server of the sender will make a new delivery attempt after a short time. The email is then accepted.


anchor link Note:
This function is only effective if the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway directly accepts incoming emails from the Internet (generally, when using the setting Outgoing server Use built-in mail transport agent). SPAM emails which have already been accepted by another email server and forwarded cannot be prevented by this function.


Explanation of greylisting

Greylisting is a method to combat SPAM emails. This function assumes that email servers and email clients adhere to the RFC standard for SMTP. SPAM senders often do not adhere to the RFC standard. Thus, they do not always evaluate the temporary rejection, which prevents a further delivery attempt.

To prevent possible restrictions due to an excessive one-time rejection of desired emails, it is recommended activating the option Greylist learning only (no e-mail rejection) from the optional settings for two to four weeks after commissioning. By doing so, the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway is put into a learning mode with respect to the greylisting and does not reject any emails temporarily.



anchor link Note:

Since most SPAM senders nowadays also send an email several times, greylisting offers hardly any protection any more.

For this reason, it should be considered whether the disadvantages (delayed delivery) are not higher than the benefits.



anchor link Note:

Because a combination of sender domain and hostname is used for greylisting, this can lead to enormous delays in cloud services, such as Microsoft Office365. For this reason, the most common cloud services (Office365, gmail, alibaba and so on) have been added to the default whitelist of the greylisting daemon.

anchor link CheckBoxInactive Use AntiSpam Engine (Note: remember to activate in ruleset)

By default, this option is inactive.

Activates the SPAM filter on the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway. The configuration of the SPAM filter is done in Protection Pack of Section Ruleset generator of the menu Mail Processing.



anchor link Attention:

If this option is deactivated even though the spam check is active in the Mail Processing menu, no spam identification would take place.

anchor link CheckBoxInactive Use ClamAV antivirus Engine (Note: remember to activate in ruleset)

By default, this option is inactive.

Activates the virus scanner on the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway. The configuration of the virus scanner is done under Protection Pack of Section Ruleset generator of the menu Mail Processing.



anchor link Attention:

If this option is deactivated even though in the Mail Processing the virus scan is active, emails would be generally forwarded as "virus-free".

anchor link CheckBoxActive

Enable unofficial signatures for ClamAV

By default, this option is active.

This option allows additional, third-party signatures to the standard antivirus signatures of ClamAV.



anchor link Note:

The following targets are addressed when the option is activated:

The resolution of takes place to any mirror and is secured with an OpenPGP signature.

The source can be found in the following link:

anchor link CheckBoxInactive Require HELO command

By default, this option is inactive.

Activates the verification of a HELO command sent by the sending email server. If the command is not sent, the receipt of the emails is denied (bounced).

anchor link CheckBoxInactive PTR check (reverse DNS lookup)

By default, this option is inactive.

Emails from servers with IP addresses for which no valid DNS entry exists will be rejected.

SPAM senders often use email servers without a valid DNS entry.

anchor link CheckBoxInactive Check if sender domain is valid

By default, this option is inactive.

Verification of the resolvability of the domain part of an email address via DNS. If the resolution fails, the email is rejected (bounced)., the email will be rejected.



anchor link Note:

This setting remains unaffected by a possible welcomelisting (see Section Manual blocklisting / welcomelisting)!

anchor link CheckBoxInactive Require valid hostname in HELO command

By default, this option is inactive.

Emailsare accepted exclusively from servers which identify themselves in the HELO command with a valid hostname, i.e. a hostname which can be resolved in DNS. This could also be a NetBIOS name.

anchor link CheckBoxInactive Require fully qualified hostname in HELO command

By default, this option is inactive.

Emails are accepted exclusively from servers which identify themselves in the HELO command with their complete FQDN (fully qualified domain name) which can be resolved in the DNS. The FQDN requires at least a full stop".", for instance "SEPPmail.tld".

anchor link CheckBoxInactive Limit incoming connections for SMTP per IP

By default, this option is inactive.

Limits the number of parallel connections to ten per IP address. This helps prevent an overload of the SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway through individual servers.

anchor link CheckBoxInactive Enable SPF checks

By default, this option is inactive.

Activates the Sender Policy Framework function. The optional SPF record entered in the DNS is checked. If the sending server for the corresponding email domain is not stored there, the email is rejected (bounced).

anchor link optional settings


anchor link CheckBoxInactive Greylist learning only (no e-mail rejection)

By default, this option is inactive.

Greylisting learning mode. The database is set up with the information required for the greylisting operation. For new installations, it is recommended using this option for two to four weeks to avoid bottlenecks during the start-up phase due to the greylisting.

anchor link CheckBoxInactive Strict PTR check (reverse DNS lookup)

By default, this option is inactive.

It activates a double DNS check. Initially, it is checked whether a valid DNS entry is required for the IP address, to subsequently check whether the DNS query returns the original IP.



anchor link Section Block lists




anchor link Add Blocklist (RBL)

Email servers are included in blocklists due to SPAM activities. These lists are maintained by various providers on the Internet. To reject emails from servers listed in these lists, the URLs of the desired real-time blackhole lists (RBL) must be entered.

After saving, a further input field is displayed.



anchor link Section Manual blocklisting / welcomelisting


In this menu item, the receipt of external emails from specific IP addresses and/or networks can be blocked (blocklisted) or explicitly allowed (welcomelisted). Welcomelist entries are also excluded from the spam check.




anchor link add acccess entry

For blocking or allowing, the IP network, the action and a comment are entered into the corresponding input fields.

(new in 14.0.0) In addition, the validity can be limited (not before / not after).





IP address with CIDR suffix


Accepts the acceptance


Informative comment as to why the rule has been entered and who is affected.


Rejects the acceptance









Rejects all emails that come from the IP address range - i.e. to



Accepts all emails that come from the IP address range fe80::220/124 - i.e. fe80::220 bis fe80::22f.



anchor link Note:

Emails from welcomelisted IP addresses or IP address ranges are accepted even if the sending email server does not transmit a valid HELO command.



anchor link Note:

External addresses to which emails are sent from an internal source (except non-delivery reports (NDR)), are automatically welcomelisted for six months as of the last delivery and thus marked as real communication partners.



anchor link Attention:

All antispam functions (see Antispam, as well as Mail Processing Ruleset generator Protection Pack) are deactivated for emails from welcomelisted IP addresses.

The virus scan remains unaffected.


The changes made are saved via the Save button.



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